Kazakhstan sells therapeutic intimate gel "Delight Lux New Me" 65 $
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Kazakhstan sells therapeutic intimate gel "Delight Lux New Me"

Створено: 9 березня
Kazakhstan sells therapeutic intimate gel "Delight Lux New Me" Вінниця - зображення 1
Kazakhstan sells therapeutic intimate gel "Delight Lux New Me" Вінниця - зображення 2
Kazakhstan sells therapeutic intimate gel "Delight Lux New Me" Вінниця - зображення 3
Sell therapeutic intimate gel - 100% natural gel from herbs, made in Kazakhstan. In the world of this product has no analogues.

Gel is used to treat all urogenital diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: mastitis of various etiologies, infections of the genitourinary system, pyelonephritis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, cervical erosion, dysbacteriosis, endometriosis, vaginitis of various etiologies, itching in the genitals, bad odor, salpingo-ophoritis, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, uterine curvature, cystitis, prostatitis, impotence, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids
The remedy is applied vaginally to women, and men, boys and girls can be rectally (in the rectum is inserted 3 cm deep). It is not necessary to wash off.
Ingredients of the gel: Eucalyptus Robusta Smith, velvet Chinese, oregano Cretan, stinging root Monier, borneol, camphor, field mint, chlorhexidine acetate 0.08%, plant concentrate "Pavlov Spring".

There are 8 syringes of gel in the package. Total weight of gel in syringes 24 grams, shelf life of 2 years. Price: 65$, when buying more than 3 packages: 50$
We can deliver postal products to your home.

For all questions write to WhatsApp: +77786016143
Створено: 9 березня
Був онлайн 27 липня 07:26
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